As a throwback to the pandemic years, the final project meeting had to be hastily be organised online, as the selected venue, Augsburg, became unreachable due to unprecedented snowfall. The consortium could still manage to join and pull off a successful meeting, even with the regret of not meeting our colleagues one last time. The… Read more: Final meeting
The Haeolus project will conclude in 2023, and will be represented at the upcoming Off-Grid Expo + Conference in Augsburg, Germany, on 7-8 December. UPDATE: due to exceptional weather conditions in Munich, the consortium will unfortunately not be able to participate to the Off-Grid Expo.
Mr. Muhammad Bakr Ahmad Abdelghany, PhD student at Haeolus partner UniSannio, is scheduled to become officially a Doctor of Philosophy on November 28. The defense will be held at the Univerisity of Sannio in Benevento, betweeen 15:00 and 17:00.
More than a year ahead of the conclusion of the project, the publication targets of Haeolus have been achieved, with six conference contributions and three peer-reviewed journal articles.
The Haeolus data platform has now been made available for the public. During operation, it will be possible to monitor critical parameters of our units as they adapt to the actual wind production according to our control algorithms. For now, the page is fairly quiet, but will be more lively when long-term tests will start.… Read more: Livestream Goes Live!
On 7th-10th of June, EU projects Haeolus and VirtualFCS will organise a common summer school, mainly targeted at PhD students, in Belfort, France. In presence, finally! This year, the focus will be on modelling, diagnostics and prognostics of electrochemical hybrid systems, including fuel cells and batteries. Save the dates, follow the link and stay tuned… Read more: Summer School 2022
After the polar night, the sun has returned to Berlevåg, and our plant, finally completed after two years of Covid disruption, enjoys its first moments basking in the new year’s sunshine!
The current status of the Haeolus project will be presented at the upcoming European Hydrogen Week, specifically on Thursday 2nd December 2021, 11:40 – 12:00 CET (see agenda). Remember to register for the online event!
The second summer school for undergraduate and graduate students, out of three to be held by the Haeolus project, was held online on 30 June and 1 July 2021. The presentations are included below.
The Haeolus project is very excited to announce that finally, on the 15th of June 2021, KES, in collaboration with Hydrogenics and Varanger Kraft, started the first of a suite of tests developed by Tecnalia for the energy-storage control strategy. With this, the 2.5 year long demonstration phase is officially started, after several delays due… Read more: Haeolus Demonstration Started
After a 2020 with so many delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are happy to report that the hydrogen system (both electrolyser, fuel cell, converters etc.) is on the way to Berlevåg, and is scheduled to arrive on 5 May 2021. Personnel from Hydrogenics just arrived on site, after a week of quarantine at… Read more: Haeolus Installation Finally Starting!
A small and apparently obscure modification to the Norwegian Regulation for Grids and Energy Markets has just been announced by the Norwegian Government. As it happens, it may have a major impact on Haeolus and similar projects.
The “Triple Alliance” of EU Interreg projects HUGE, SEAFUEL and GenComm is holding a seminar this Thursday, 18th February 2021, 11:00-13:00 CET, on zero-emission mobility for coastal communities. Program and registration at this link, online, free attendance.
Safety is of paramount importance, also in environmentally friendly energy sources and carriers. The Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking organised in November 2020 a workshop on safety in electrolysis, and all presentations are now available online.
The International Energy Agency‘s Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Program has just released the final report of their Task 38 “Power to Hydrogen and Hydrogen to X”.
Haeolus will be strongly represented at the upcoming Next Generation Electrolysers conference on 8-9 December 2020. The conference has an industrial focus and it’s the place you want to be if your company wants a piece of the action in large-scale hydrogen production.
Everybody’s life has been turned upside down this year, and Haeolus has not been an exception. Whereas work still proceeds for most aspects, some critical activities have been delayed significantly. So, when is hydrogen coming to Finnmark?
Haeolus partner Varanger Kraft has recently released to the press their long-term plans for exploitation of the hydrogen that can be produced in Berlevåg from wind-generated hydrogen.
The HAEOLUS project is pleased to inform you that the new building welcoming the full system is now finalized. All the details are given in the deliverable D7.2 authored by Christian Bue (Varanger Kraft).
The Haeolus project is pleased to publish a new deliverable on the protocols for the demonstration of the Haeolus system when configured for operations in the mini-grid use case authored by Iker Marino and Maider Santos (TECNALIA).
The Haeolus project is pleased to publish a new deliverable on the protocols for the demonstration of the Haeolus system when configured for operations in the energy storage use case authored by Iker Marino and Maider Santos (TECNALIA).
The Haeolus project is pleased to publish a new deliverable on the control system developed for mini grid use case authored by Muhammad B. Abdelghany, Muhammad F. Sheshzad, Davide Liuzza, Valerio Mariani, and Luigi Glielmo (UniSannio).
Muhammad B. Adbelghany, Muhammad F. Sheshzad, Davide Liuzza, Valerio Mariani and Luigi Glielmo (UniSannio) are the authors of the deliverable on the control system developed for energy-storage use case, for the HAEOLUS project.
The Haeolus project is pleased to publish a new deliverable on the impact of wind-hydrogen plants on energy systems and RCS authored by Gerardo A. Perez-Valdes, Sigrid Damman, Miguel Muñoz-Ortiz, Rolf Bye and Vibeke Nørstebø of SINTEF.
An article recently published by prof. Proost of the University of Louvain details the key parameters for the breakthrough of hydrogen from renewables. And if you followed the news, a lot of these targets are already being met!
SINTEF just released a report on the activities currently ongoing in Norway to pave the way for hydrogen production in large scale, and how it may support the transition to sustainable energy until 2050.
Varanger Kraft has essentially completed the construction of our demonstration site in Berlevåg, Norway; only minor works are left to be performed in conjunction with installation, currently scheduled for April 2020.
The Haeolus project is pleased to publish its latest deliverable, a report on diagnostic and prognostic approaches for electrolysers and fuel cells authored by Raffaele Petrone and Robin Roche of UBFC.
The Haeolus hydrogen system to be installed in Berlevåg is expected to be ready and tested around the end of the 2019; depending on logistic constraints for delivery to Finnmark, production will start in early 2020.
Can you imagine a future where all energy is renewable and clean? The scientists at the EU’s Joint Research Centre did just that in a recently published report.
Haeolus will organise, on June 25, a workshop with the topic Modeling, Control and Operation of Advanced Energy Storage Systems in Grid Connection in connection with the upcoming European Control Conference 2019.
Our project partners UTBM are organising a summer school on Microgrids in Belfort, France, July 1-5, 2019. The initiative is partially funded by Haeolus and is aimed at grad students, researchers and industry.
Finnmark County Council is organising a 1-day workshop in Vadsø, titled “Hydrogen in the wind”, to showcase the opportunities for Northern Norway in hydrogen and fuel cells, an event directly inspired by the start of the Haeolus project. [UPDATE – read more for the presentations]
Haeolus will be presented at the Norwegian Municipal Sector’s International day on March 5, 2019, as an example of how a small municipality like Berlevåg (Haeolus’ demonstration site) can succeed in the EU arena.
Varanger Kraft, a key partner in the Haeolus project, is reworking its corporate structure and has founded in January 2019 a dedicated company for its hydrogen activities, Varanger Krafthydrogen. The Haeolus consortium congratulates Varanger Kraft on their commitment to hydrogen energy!
The International Renewable Energy Agency has just published a report on the role of hydrogen, especially renewable hydrogen, in future energy systems.
Following Haeolus‘ kickoff in January, a press release has been published. This document emphasizes the innovative goals of the project and the roles of the industrial partners. Link to the press release
The big winds that come in from the Barents Sea carry flush green power and profits. But developers are held back by sparse infrastructure. And a growing opposition from local groups.
The Hydrogenics team, with the participation of our very own Chris Van Oevelen, has arrived 2nd out of 19 teams in the 24h Hydrogen Challenge of April 6, 2018. Congratulations!
The Haeolus project had a rough start, as our previous industrial partner eventually decided not to join the project, citing insufficient resources to follow it up (a side effect of the growing interest in hydrogen technology). Our consortium was lucky enough to find a more than worthy replacement in Hydrogenics, who joined the project in… Read more: Hydrogenics Joins Haeolus, Visits Raggovidda
The Haeolus project started on January 1, 2018, and had its kick-off meeting in Oslo, January 15-16. All partners attended the kick-off, together with the FCH JU’s Project Officer Nikolaos Lymperopoulos and Financial Officer Antonio Requena Fernández.